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Abbreviation for "Remote Proctored Internet Based Testing" or "Remotely Proctored Internet Based Testing". Also called remote or remotely monitored IBT. IBT is conducted while being remotely monitored by a test proctor or AI.
Similar to IBT, the test can be taken from Candidate 's home or office, but some requirements are different, such as surveillance cameras and internet speed.
There are some exams that can be taken in a browser without the need to download an app, but if the exam is highly secure, most exams are done by downloading an app.
(IR tea)
Abbreviation for ``Item Response Theor.'' It means item response theory.
This is a test theory that analyzes the data of Candidate' answers to each question and measures the difficulty level and discrimination ability.
(Ivy Tea)
Abbreviation for "Internet Based Testing". Similar to CBT, it is administered using a computer, but the test is taken via the Internet at the Candidate 's home or office.
Candidate must provide their own equipment and environment necessary for the exam, such as a computer and the internet.
assessment It refers to measuring and evaluating Candidate' abilities through Test.
It is an abbreviation for "Authorized Prometric Testing Center". Refers to an authorized Test Center that is certified by Prometric.
Approximately 200 APTCs in 47 prefectures, including PC schools, vocational schools, and various companies, are used as Test Center using CBT(Computer Based Testing).
Abbreviation for "Non-Disclosure Agreement", meaning a non-disclosure agreement. This means requiring those who have knowledge of non-public information to maintain confidentiality regarding that information.
Candidate must agree not to disclose or leak Test questions (including expressions that suggest the content of the questions) to any third party when taking the test.

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descriptive formula This is one of the answer formats for Test. The short-sentence descriptive format and the long-sentence descriptive format are collectively referred to.
item response theory Another name for item response theory. This is sometimes used in language Test, etc.
Item score This is the score for Test question (item). For questions with no partial points, a correct answer will be calculated as 1 point, and an incorrect answer will be calculated as 0 points.
If there are partial points, they will be treated as 0, 1, 2, etc.
item response theory This is a theory that separates the difficulty of Test questions from Candidate 's ability level, and analyzes Test based on the probability that Candidate will answer each question correctly.
Compared to classical test theory, it is possible to estimate the difficulty of Test questions that is independent of the level of Candidate group, and to perform equation with flexible form combinations.
classical test theory This is a system for analyzing Test reliability using a model that breaks down test scores into Candidate' true scores and errors.

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psychometrician A professional in statistical analysis of Test with expertise in psychology and statistics.
Abbreviation for "Computer Based Testing".
This test method uses computers to ask and answer test questions at dedicated Test Center nationwide.
It supports a variety of question formats and answer formats, and the typical question formats and answer formats are as follows.

Question format: Word problems, listening problems, image/video/audio problems
Answer format: multiple choice (choice, multiple choice, true/false), descriptive, oral
Test Result analysis This is an analysis to quantify and visualize the statistical quality of Test version and Test questions, which is compiled after Test is conducted.
Test time This is the time limit for Test.
Test specific page This is an information page for exams conducted by Prometric. Each exam has its own page.
You can check the exam-specific page from "Exam List/Search".
Test quality This refers to the performance of the entire Test version, which is a collection of Test questions.
It is quantified and visualized using the estimated reliability coefficient and Candidate score distribution.
Test question quality Refers to the performance of Test questions required to measure Candidate' skills and aptitude.
It is quantified and visualized using passage rates, PB correlation coefficients, item characteristics charts, etc.
Test question creation We hold Test question writing seminars for question writers, share the correct question writing process and question writing rules, and support them in creating high-quality Test questions.
Voucher This is an electronic ticket that allows you to complete payment without using a credit card, convenience store, Pay-easy, etc. by using the ticket number when applying for Test.
Companies and organizations can purchase tickets in bulk, and purchased exam tickets will be distributed to Candidate by the person in charge of purchase.
Candidate complete their Scheduling by entering their test ticket number at the time of Scheduling.
Specified Skilled Worker Tests It means "Specified Skilled Worker test".
This is a test that evaluates the Japanese language ability and skills of foreign nationals from Japan and abroad who wish to work in Japan.
multiple choice This is one of the answer formats for Test.
Collectively refers to multiple-choice, single-answer, and multiple-answer questions.
correlation coefficient A value that quantifies the strength of the relationship between two numerical sequences.
It takes a value between -1 and 1, and the farther it is from 0, the stronger the relationship.
Generally, a definition that expresses the strength of a linear relationship called Pearson's product moment correlation coefficient is often used.
raw score This is the score that aggregates the item scores for all questions in Test version.
The simplest example refers to the number of correct answers to Test question.

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single answer This is one of the answer formats for Test. Also called multiple choice. Select one of three or more options.
Short sentence writing style This is one of the answer formats for Test. This is a word-level descriptive formula. Correct a specific word or words.
Long text description This is one of the answer formats for Test. Also called essay format. Answer in long sentences ranging from several hundred to tens of thousands of characters.
Passage rate This is the percentage of Candidate who were able to answer the questions correctly.
It takes a value between 0 and 1, with a higher value indicating an easier problem.
test developer Test development expert. Facilitates communication between four actors: Test organization (administration expert), question writer (SME: subject matter expert: expert in the relevant Test field), psychometrician (psychostatistical expert), and system developer. At the same time, we will promote correct Test development based on test theory.
test theory A system of methods and techniques related to the interpretation and use of Test scores. Typical examples include classical test theory, generalizability theory, item response theory, and cognitive diagnostic assessment.
point biserial correlation coefficient This is the correlation coefficient between item scores and raw scores scored as binary values (0 and 1).
In English, it is called Point biserial correlation coefficient, so it is also called PB correlation coefficient.
Equalization This is a statistical analysis method that adjusts the difficulty level and score distribution so that scores on different tests A and B can be compared.
Score distribution This is the distribution of raw scores. Distributions are summarized by statistics such as mean, standard deviation, kurtosis, and skewness.
The number of Candidate can be counted for each raw score and visualized using a histogram.

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difficulty It refers to the difficulty of Test questions.
choice This is one of the answer formats for Test. Choose one of the two options. Some choose between right and wrong.

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consideration This refers to reasonable accommodations that Candidate need to be provided when taking the test, such as taking the test in a wheelchair or bringing medical equipment and aids.
Abbreviation for "Business Continuity Plan."
This refers to formulating a plan to restore and continue business operations in the event of an emergency.
Abbreviation for "Paper Based Testing". It is generally called a paper Test. Test will be conducted using printed question booklets, answer sheets, and mark sheets.
Item analysis report This is a report that summarizes the analysis results regarding Test quality and Test question quality.
form Refers to a booklet or data containing multiple Test questions arranged in the order in which they appear.
form questions This is a test format in which multiple sets of Test question combinations called forms or versions are prepared in advance, and one combination is randomly asked.
multiple answers This is one of the answer formats for Test. There is more than one correct answer out of three or more choices.
blue print It is a table that manages Test questions by field, questions history, analysis results, etc., and is like a blueprint for Test.
By managing Test questions on a blueprint, it is useful for understanding Test question creation status, optimizing the distribution of questions, and identifying areas for Test questions that should be created next time.
Prometric ID This is the ID required to reserve a test conducted by Prometric.
The ID you create can be used for all exams conducted by Prometric (with the exception of some exams).
beta Test This is Test conducted to preliminarily confirm Test performance before conducting the actual Test. Also called a pilot test.
Identification Document Refers to driver's license, passport, My Number Card, Basic Resident Register Card, Residence Card, Special Permanent Resident Certificate, Driving Record Certificate, etc.
At CBT, you will need to present an official Identification Document with a photo at the reception desk to verify your identity.

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Random questions This is a test format in which a specified number of questions are randomly selected from the registered Test questions.
You can also specify the number of questions per section or area.
redemption Voucher
A redemption Voucher is an exam ticket issued by Test sponsor.
This is a type of test ticket in which we bill Test sponsor for the test fee after Candidate uses it.
Revenue management A management method that changes the prices of products and services according to customer demand.
Abbreviation for "Liner On the Fly Testing". Like the linear type, all Candidate answer Test with the same number of questions, but in this CBT method, a content- and statistically-equal Test version is randomly generated and presented to each person at the moment Test begins. .
It is possible to efficiently conduct fair Test while reducing the risk of leakage of Test questions.