Success Criteria Checklist (No.31)

Target URL
Page Title Taking the exam outside Japan | Examination process | Information on taking the exam | Specified Skilled Worker test | Prometric

An "○" in the "Applicable" column indicates that the success criterion is applied to the checked page (there is relevant content), and a "-" indicates that the success criterion is not applied to the checked page (there is no relevant content).

In the "Result" column, "○" indicates that the achievement criterion is met, and "-" indicates that the achievement criterion is not met.

Success CriteriaSuccess Criterion NamelevelApplicationresultNote
1.1.1 Non-text contentA
1.2.1 Audio only and video only (pre-recorded)ANo relevant content
1.2.2 Caption (pre-recorded)ANo relevant content
1.2.3 Audio Description or Media Alternative (Prerecorded)ANo relevant content
1.2.4 Captions (Live) AA No relevant content
1.2.5 Audio commentary (pre-recorded) AA No relevant content
1.3.1 Information and RelationshipsA
1.3.2 Meaningful SequencesA
1.3.3 Sensory characteristicsA
1.3.4 Display Orientation AA
1.3.5 Identifying the purpose of the input AA No relevant content
1.4.1 Use of colorANo relevant content
1.4.2 Audio ControlANo relevant content
1.4.3 Contrast (minimum) AA
1.4.4 Resize text AA
1.4.5 Text images AA
1.4.10 Reflow AA
1.4.11 Non-text contrast AA
1.4.12 Text Spacing AA
1.4.13 Content that appears on hover or focus AA No relevant content
2.1.1 keyboardA
2.1.2 No keyboard trapA
2.1.4 Character key shortcutsANo relevant content
2.2.1 Timing adjustableANo relevant content
2.2.2 Pause, stop, hideANo relevant content
2.3.1 Three flashes or below thresholdANo relevant content
2.4.1 Block SkipA
2.4.2 Page TitleA
2.4.3 Focus OrderA
2.4.4 Link purpose (in context)A
2.4.5 Multiple Means AA
2.4.6 Headings and Labels AA
2.4.7 Focus Visualization AA
2.4.11 Unobstructed focus (minimal) AA
2.5.1 Pointer GesturesANo relevant content
2.5.2 Pointer CancellationA
2.5.3 Name including labelANo relevant content
2.5.4 Motion activationANo relevant content
2.5.7 Drag behavior AA No relevant content
2.5.8 Target size (minimum) AA
3.1.1 Page LanguageA
3.1.2 Partial Language AA
3.2.1 When in focusA
3.2.2 On inputA
3.2.3 Consistent navigation AA
3.2.4 Consistent Identification AA
3.2.6 Consistent HelpA
3.3.1 Identifying the errorANo relevant content
3.3.2 Label or instructionsANo relevant content
3.3.3 Suggested Error Fixes AA No relevant content
3.3.4 Error prevention (legal, financial, data) AA No relevant content
3.3.7 Redundant input itemsANo relevant content
3.3.8 Accessible Certification (minimum) AA No relevant content
4.1.2 Name, role, valueA
4.1.3 Status Messages AA No relevant content