Success Criteria Checklist (No.1)

Target URL
Page Title CBT/IBT world-class test management | Prometric

An "○" in the "Applicable" column indicates that the success criterion is applied to the checked page (there is relevant content), and a "-" indicates that the success criterion is not applied to the checked page (there is no relevant content).

In the "Result" column, "○" indicates that the achievement criterion is met, and "-" indicates that the achievement criterion is not met.

Success Criteria Success Criterion Name level Application result Note
1.1.1 Non-text content A  
1.2.1 Audio only and video only (pre-recorded) A No relevant content
1.2.2 Caption (pre-recorded) A No relevant content
1.2.3 Audio Description or Media Alternative (Prerecorded) A No relevant content
1.2.4 Captions (Live) AA No relevant content
1.2.5 Audio commentary (pre-recorded) AA No relevant content
1.3.1 Information and Relationships A  
1.3.2 Meaningful Sequences A  
1.3.3 Sensory characteristics A No relevant content
1.3.4 Display Orientation AA  
1.3.5 Identifying the purpose of the input AA No relevant content
1.4.1 Use of color A No relevant content
1.4.2 Audio Control A No relevant content
1.4.3 Contrast (minimum) AA  
1.4.4 Resize text AA  
1.4.5 Text images AA  
1.4.10 Reflow AA  
1.4.11 Non-text contrast AA  
1.4.12 Text Spacing AA  
1.4.13 Content that appears on hover or focus AA No relevant content
2.1.1 keyboard A  
2.1.2 No keyboard trap A  
2.1.4 Character key shortcuts A No relevant content
2.2.1 Timing adjustable A  
2.2.2 Pause, stop, hide A  
2.3.1 Three flashes or below threshold A No relevant content
2.4.1 Block Skip A  
2.4.2 Page Title A  
2.4.3 Focus Order A  
2.4.4 Link purpose (in context) A  
2.4.5 Multiple Means AA  
2.4.6 Headings and Labels AA  
2.4.7 Focus Visualization AA  
2.4.11 Unobstructed focus (minimal) AA  
2.5.1 Pointer Gestures A No relevant content
2.5.2 Pointer Cancellation A  
2.5.3 Name including label A No relevant content
2.5.4 Motion activation A No relevant content
2.5.7 Drag behavior AA No relevant content
2.5.8 Target size (minimum) AA  
3.1.1 Page Language A  
3.1.2 Partial Language AA  
3.2.1 When in focus A  
3.2.2 On input A  
3.2.3 Consistent navigation AA  
3.2.4 Consistent Identification AA  
3.2.6 Consistent Help A  
3.3.1 Identifying the error A No relevant content
3.3.2 Label or instructions A  
3.3.3 Suggested Error Fixes AA No relevant content
3.3.4 Error prevention (legal, financial, data) AA No relevant content
3.3.7 Redundant input items A No relevant content
3.3.8 Accessible Certification (minimum) AA No relevant content
4.1.2 Name, role, value A  
4.1.3 Status Messages AA No relevant content